Pardon my French... I love to swear.
Let me be clear. I don't walk around insulting people, but I like the savor of a good old slang word in my mouth. Let's start simple.
Gros mot
/ɡʁo mo/
grrow mow (let's assume to this point you got my point that the troublesome french 'r' will be spelled rrr)
Big word, literally.
Bad word. So, in French, a bad word is a big word. It's a little childish. Big sounds impressive, when you are six years old. It even sounds cool, doesn't it ?
'Wait, Mum, did you just say a gros mot !?'
I like that there is no morals in it, it' s more about the lack of elegance.
In my opinion, there are no bad words, just ill-chosen ones.
Meh-rrrd the first 'e' sounds like the sound in elEctric, the last 'e' is silent.
Shit. Interjection. Basic, level 1 slang. Used everywhere. 'Merde !', 'Merde de merde !'
Can be used as a noun : une merde, something/someone of really low value, a piece if shit. Very disdainful. 'You are a really a merde.' 'It is de la merde'
To be in the merde : to be in deep shit.
Has been turned into a verb : merder (meh-rr-day) means to make a mess, to fail. 'Don't go merder, this time !'
Emmerder (uh-meh-rr-day) is nice, because it literally means to coat someone in shit. It means to annoy deeply, to piss off someone. Directed to someone it's very rude. Tu m'emmerdes can be meant nicely, but je t'emmerde is agressive.
S'emmerder means to be bored to death.
Démerder/Se démerder (day-meh-rr-day) is the opposite : to come out of the shit you were in. To cope with, to manage.
'Démerde yourself.'
Merdeux : (meh-rrduh) shit-ed, as in a diaper full of shit. as a adjective, for someone who feels guilty or bad (to feel merdeux) or as a noun for someone too young for the job (a little merdeux)
Merdique (meh-rr-dick) is my absolute favorite : shitty. the -ique termination has something exotic in it. Something elegant. it totally sounds like something Katharine Hepburn would say. (isn't that the definition of elegance ?)
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