Thursday, October 8, 2015
French words that sound better in English (1) Yes, there are a bunch of them.
Frenzy. The English word actually comes from the French one. And the French one comes from ancient Greek, where it used to mean an 'inflammation of the mind'. In ancient French and in medicine it was sometimes spelled phrénésie.
So... frenzy is the same word as frénésie, you might say. You would be right. But it'so much more efficient ! I like the acceleration of frenzy better, it's more, well... it's more frantic.
(and not frénétique frray-nay-tee-k : by the time you finish to even pronounce that, any frénésie would be well ahead of you)
That is the sad truth, French can be clumsy sometimes. Apparently we are not very good at being intense.
PS : someone must have been aware of that before I was, back in 1988, because Roman Polanski's title was not translated for is movie Frantic. (young, handsome Harrison Ford, in gloomy 80's right bank Paris)
Of course, it was pronounced à la française...
'Do you remember the movie Frantic ? It's amazing how the city has changed..."